We urge you to adopt new guidelines for redistricting

April 19, 2021 

To: The Honorable Geoff Duncan, Lieutenant Governor, Georgia State Senate The Honorable David Ralston, Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives  All members of Georgia House Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment Committee All members of Georgia Senate Reapportionment & Redistricting Committee 

From: The undersigned coalition of organizations 

Subject: Public participation in the upcoming redistricting process 

Dear Lt. Gov. Duncan, Speaker Ralston, Senators, and Representatives: 

We the undersigned organizations urge you to adopt new guidelines for redistricting that  improve public access, public participation and provide more opportunity for timely public  comment. 

Georgians deserve a redistricting process that inspires trust and confidence from all citizens. In  the past, the bulk of the redistricting work has taken place behind closed doors with only  minimal public involvement and disclosure. As the law now stands, all legislative communications with the LCRO are by statute deemed legally confidential communications. In  addition, both the Open Records and Open Meetings Acts do not apply to the General  Assembly. Those secrecy provisions should be waived during all reapportionment deliberations  by the General Assembly. 

Furthermore, Georgia has almost no laws guiding the development of redistricting plans. The  information released for proposed plans is very minimal and not timely enough to allow citizens  to comment or advocate for changes before votes are taken in the special legislative session.  

During the 2011 cycle, House and Senate provided guidelines under which the committees and  legislative staff operated. We have reviewed those guidelines and find that they provide  inadequate public disclosure and lack of opportunity for citizen input. In addition to a general  waiver of the secrecy provisions noted above, we respectfully submit for your consideration the  following provisions for the guidelines that will govern the current redistricting cycle. 

Public input 

• Public input hearings should occur after census data are released so that current  demographics can be taken into account. (We would welcome public hearings this  

summer prior to census data release, but a substantial number covering the state  should occur after release) 

• Public input hearings should be recorded and saved on LCRO’s web site • Committees shall provide for electronic submission of suggested maps and other  written input including communities of interest definitions 

• Public hearings should allow for the discussion and submission of communities of  interest data by Georgians 


• The committee shall provide a written responses to the communities of interest  submissions and clearly indicate whether or not it was deemed applicable and why Release of information 

• Proposed maps must be released for public review via publicly accessible website. Maps  should be downloadable files that do not require software for viewing 

• Legislature will release a list of all factors taken into account when developing  redistricting plans 

• Legislature will release expected partisan lean of each district using last statewide  election as a benchmark 

• Legislature will release analysis of how proposed maps affects the ability of  communities of color and VRA-protected language minorities to elect candidates of  their choice. 

• All plans and input provided to committee and/or committee staff (and LCRO) shall be  released via publicly available website 

Hearing schedules and timeframes 

• Special session dates and rules should be announced at least one month in advance of  convening 

• Hearings to consider redistricting bills must not take place sooner than two weeks after  the proposed maps are released to the public, and not sooner than five days for changed maps 

• Hearings to consider redistricting bills must allow for virtual and remote participation,  including citizen testimony, via video conference such that citizens from across the state  have ample opportunity to participate 


• Ensure language access as demonstrated by translating public facing materials into a  minimum set of languages required to reach diverse Georgians (at least Spanish,  Korean, Vietnamese, Mandarin/Cantonese, Hindi, Arabic). Also demonstrate language  access by providing for interpretation where necessary and feasible to gain public input 

• Ensure the website is compliant with S.508 of US Rehabilitation Act, making it accessible  to people with disabilities 

We recognize the challenge you face as leaders of the redistricting effort in this politically  charged environment. With the delay in census data and extremely close 2020 elections, the  pressure to produce fair maps will be intense and the time frame compressed. Nonetheless,  Georgians deserve a redistricting process that instills confidence in the outcome.

We would be happy to meet with your committees to discuss the 2021 redistricting guidelines  and these provisions.  



American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia All On the Line  

All Voting is Local-Georgia 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta   

Common Cause Georgia  

Fair Count  

Fair Districts GA  

Feminist Women’s Health Center  Georgia AFL-CIO 

Georgia NAACP 

League of Women Voters of Georgia  New American Pathways  

Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates Progress Georgia  

SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW!, Inc. SiX Action  

SPLC Action Fund  

The Peoples’ Agenda  

Women Watch Afrika


Georgia Redistricting Alliance demands meaningful public input to the redistricting process


Georgia Redistricting Alliance Calls for Transparency in Redistricting Process