Join Our Campaign

We are building a network of concerned Georgians across the state to put a stop to racist and partisan gerrymandering. Sign up today to help protect your community's voting power. Our coalition will keep you in the loop of ways to get involved and take action.



We acknowledge that current systems don’t work for Black, Brown, and people of color communities AND that we have to be involved and create different systems that actually work for us.


We demand transparency with redistricting processes at every level of government. We demand ample opportunity for our community members to give input on proposed maps. Moreover, we demand that our input is not only heard but also considered when finalizing district maps. Our data must be a part of redistricting processes.


Redistricting should not be a partisan activity that protects those who are already in office. Redistricting should protect the ability of our communities to elect a candidate of choice into office.

We demand language equity. It is not okay to conduct redistricting processes in English only, thereby leaving out Georgians across the state.